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Thieves’ of Marseille’s Spiced Brandy Recipe

Thieves’ of Marseille’s™ Spiced Brandy

Thieves’ of Marseille’s Spiced Brandy is a fantastic way to spice up your favorite brandy. It’s as easy as one to three.

  • One drop Marseille’s Remedy in one teaspoon of honey
  • Put several ice cubes in a glass and drizzle the Marseille’s honey over the ice
  • Then add one to two ounces of your favorite brandy

As the ice melts and the Marseille’s honey slowly blends with the brandy, your drink is an ever changing experience of spicy sweet flavors. 

Thieves of Marseille is a registered trademark of Wild Creek Naturals: TM 2101191. Marseille’s Remedy is a registered trademark of Wild Creek Naturals: TM 1542338, USA TM: Reg. No. 4,416,224. All rights reserved

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