Thieves’ of Marseille’s™ Spiced Brandy
Thieves’ of Marseille’s Spiced Brandy is a fantastic way to spice up your favorite brandy. It’s as easy as one to three. As the ice melts and the Marseille’s honey slowly blends with the brandy, your drink is an ever changing experience of spicy sweet flavors. Thieves of Marseille is a registered trademark of Wild Read more…

Is Marseilles Remedy thieves-style oil safe to use on animals?
We recently had someone contact us about whether they could use Marseilles Remedy (our thieves style oil based on the recipe founded during the Black Plague), on their pets because of the Eucalyptus Oil in it. Before I answer this let me give you a little background on myself. My name is Casey and I’m Read more…

Cough, Fever & Sore Throat? Here’s How Marseille’s Remedy Can Help
Humanity has been a breeding ground for illness for as long as can be remembered. Time-honored healing traditions and traditional remedies often get forgotten or replaced with modern chemistry. Marseille’s Remedy is based on the original recipe for this amazing oil blend. Here is how to use Marseille’s Remedy to soothe the pains of an Read more…

DIY Natural Hand Cleaner
With all the fears going on out there, we thought it was important to share some general information about natural hand cleaner and what to consider when making them for yourself. First of all, know that hand cleaner is not a replacement for Washing Hands As hand cleaner does not kill all bacteria, soap and Read more…

Natural Toothpaste & Mouthwash: Recipes for Dental Health that Work!
Recent studies have shown that there is a far more significant connection between mouth health and body health than previously thought. While having a sparkling smile and good breath is a nice bonus, mouth health has been shown to impact brain function (including having a connection with Alzheimer’s), as well as being connected to pneumonia, rheumatoid arthritis, heart Read more…

5 DIY Self Care Ideas for a Spa Day (or Christmas Presents!) With Marseilles Remedy Thieves-style Oil
Recently the DIY site Craft Club featured our all natural and organic Marseilles Remedy Thieves Oil in a DIY spa day video. They said: “If you are looking for a beautiful blend of essential oils that smells amazing, has been around for centuries and has so many uses, you are going to love Marseille’s Remedy Read more…

Can you use Marseilles Remedy or “thieves style” essential oils on scrapes and bruises?
We get questions around how to use Marseilles Remedy all the time. Recently, a client wrote in about the cuts and bruises her daughter had sustained while playing rugby. As with many clients her main questions were: As always I have to preface any response with this: For liabilities sake, I need to make a Read more…

Make your own DIY “thieves” style essential oil for both topical and oral uses.
According to legend, the “thieves” type oil blend has been around for centuries and has almost mythical healing properties and anti-bacterial mojo. While a certain company has laid claim to the name Thieves Oil, in reality, all “thieves” type oil blends (including Marseille’s Remedy), are a simple blend of powerful single essential oils with various Read more…

Homemade Marseille’s Remedy Oil Blend Hair Detangler | Lice Guard
With back-to-school time comes early bedtimes, a return to routines, and, yes…sometimes lice. It happens to everyone at least once, so being prepared isn’t a bad idea. Our natural DIY hair detangler smells great, is easy to make and can help to prevent lice infestations. DIY Hair Detangler | Lice Guard with Marseille’s Remedy Oil Read more…

Homemade Natural Dish Soap
Have you ever considered making your own homemade natural dish soap? Yes, it’s easy to buy natural dish soap from most grocery stores these days but I may be able to convince you that you’re better off making your own Marseille’s Remedy dish soap. Make Your Own Homemade Natural Dish Soap If you aren’t convinced Read more…

Homemade Natural Spray Cleaner
Keeping your home clean and natural shouldn’t be mutually exclusive. Make a homemade natural spray cleaner and have a home that smells super clean and fresh without smelling like a pool (i.e. like chlorine). Marseille’s Remedy oil uses eucalyptus, lemon, rosemary, and cinnamon bark to create a powerful antiseptic blend that will rid your house Read more…